Charity Cookies 2024 CTF 30th Anniversary


Online Donation

You can make online donations through PayPal, AlipayHK or FPS, or through e-donation or bank bill payment services offered by participating banks’ platform (BOC).

Donation Form

Please submit the filled form with crossed cheque or related transaction record to issue an official receipt.

Donation form download

Cheque payable :Children’s Thalassaemia Foundation
Mailing address: Room 1102, 11/F, SUP Tower, 75-83 King’s Road, North Point, Hong Kong

Bank direct deposit / ATM

Account name : Children’s Thalassaemia Foundation

HSBC: 511-024341-001

BOC (HK) : 012-888-2-017911-4

BEA : 015-514-68-01220-2

Fast Payment System (FPS)

FPS ID : 6928329


Scan the QR Code and make donation at the PayMe platform.

7-11 Convenient Store

Please present the donation barcode to any 7-11 convenient store.

Policy Donation

You can donate a certain percentage of the sum insured (e.g. 99% to relatives and 1% to charity) to designated Charity. For more details, please click here.


Hotline: 2986 3311
WhatsApp: 5335 2442
Fax: 2818 0636